-ь Noun "Rules"

★ Nouns decribing a job will always be masculine ........................................................

★ Nouns describing a man will be masculine ..............................................................

★ Nouns describing a person who isn't necessarily feminine are usually masculine ........................

★ The months of the year are masculine ..................................................................

★ Nouns describing a woman will be feminine .............................................................

★ Nouns describing more abstract concepts are usually feminine, especially ending in -ость or -ность ....

★ Nouns ending in ж, ч, ш, or щ + ь not paired with another consonant (as in дождь) are usually feminine

☆ Finally, most -ь nouns are feminine in general!

писатель учитель
парень князь
читатель гость
февраль октябрь
мать дочь
цель молодость
мышь помощь