There are four major verbs in Russian which have entirely irregular conjugations:
хотетьimpf to want |
хочу |
хотим |
хочешь |
хотите |
хочет |
хотят |
бежатьimpf to run |
бегу |
бежим |
бежишь |
бежите |
бежит |
бегут |
датьpf to give |
дам |
дадим |
дашь |
дадите |
даст |
дадут |
естьimpf to eat |
ем |
едим |
ещь |
едите |
ест |
едят |
Prefixed versions of these verbs and many verbs derived from them are comjugated in the same irregular ways. Ex:
выесть, обдать
The above verbs are also important because they're so common. As for other irregular verbs, it's difficult to quantify them
all. If you are unsure about a verb's conjugation, look it up in a dictionary (or an online dictionary like
Wiktionary- an awesome source!). Don't let the exceptions to
the rules intimidate you- you will naturally recall more and more of these irregular conjugations as you learn Russian :)