The Accusative Case

The accusative case is used on the object of a sentence.

Add а to a hard consonant Replace а with у No change to о Replace ь (masculine) with я
человек → человекаperson nominative → person accusative
книга → книгуbook nom. → book acc.
учитель → учителяteacher nom. → teacher acc.
Replace й with я Replace я with ю No change to е No change to ь (feminine)
случай → случаяcase/instance nom. → case/instance acc.
яблоняяблонюapple tree nom. → apple tree acc.

Masculine nouns only change in the accusative case if they are animate. Animate means something that is alive and can move by itself; people and animals are animate.

There is no accusative plural form. Animate nouns use their genitive plural form in the accusative case, while inanimate nouns simply use their nominative plural.


In sentences like I want a cat, she loves her family, the groom kissed the bride, the objects would be сat, family, and the bride (the subjects would be I, she, and the groom). These are very simple subject-verb-object sentences, but most sentences have an object.

я хочу кошкуI want a cat
она любит свою семьюshe loves her family
жених поцеловал невестуthe groom kissed the bride

The accusative case is also used with the prepositions в in and на at to indicate motion towards something.

они ходят в библиотекуthey are going to (a/the) library
птица летит на станцию(a/the) bird is flying to (a/the) station
Personal 1st person 2nd person 3rd person reflexive
singular меня ты (н)его/(н)ее* себя
plural нас вас (н)их
Possessive 1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person 1st person plural 2nd person plural reflexive
masculine моего твоего
нашего вашего своего
feminine мою твою нашу вашу свою
neuter мое* твое* наше ваше свое*
plural моих твоих наших ваших своих
Demonstrative & Determinative this that all
masculine этого того всего
feminine этой той всей
neuter это то всё
plural этих тех всех
Interrogative who what which

feminine какую
neuter какое
plural какие

Notice that pronouns that are necessarily inanimate (all neuter pronouns, as all neuter nouns are inanimate, and the pronoun what, but not who) use their nominative forms, while all others use their genitive forms.

Additionally, for pronouns replacing or describing a masculine or plural noun, if the noun is animate, use the genitive form; otherwise, use the nominative form.

masculine feminine neuter plural
ую ое ые
чёрную чёрное чёрные

When describing a masculine or plural noun, if it is animate, use the genitive form; otherwise, use the nominative form.