The Subjunctive Mood
The subjunctive mood indicates actions which have not taken
place, but which one wishes to take place or which could take place
under certain circumstances.
To apply the subjunctive mood, simply use the particle бы + a past tense verb. Past tense verbs
are used, but sentences in the subjunctive mood can be in any tense- the aspect of the verb depends often indicates case. Additionaly, it's not especially important
where in the sentence бы is used.
Wishes and Wants
Я желал бы иметь очень крутую машину.I wish I had a really cool car. |
Он хотел бы когда-нибудь поехать в России.He would like to go to Russia someday. |
Sometimes, the verb хотелось (the passive form of хотеть in its neuter past form) is
used with this meaning, along with the dative case (on the subject- similar to нравится).
Я хотел бы немного торта.I would like a little bit of cake. |
Ты бы мог это нести?Could you carry this? |
Advice and Suggestions
Ты лучше бы кончила свой домашнее задание.You had better finish your homework. |
Он бы скоро уехал, если хочет быть вовремя.He would (should) leave soon if he wants to be on time. |
Conditional Actions/Occurences
With Но (but)
Я бы съел, но не голоден.I would eat, but I'm not hungry. |
Она сказала что она бы с нашим походила, но слишком устала.She said that she would've come with us, but was too tired. |
With Если (if)
Если бы у нас были билеты, мы бы посмотрели кино.If we had had tickets, we would've seen the movie. |
Он бы гулял по саду, если бы погода был хороша.He will go for a stroll in the garden if the weather is good. |
Чтобы can be used in any sentence with a subordinate clause-
a clause that depends upon the main clause.
It is a very common use of the subjunctive mood.
Я рано уехала, чтобы не опоздал.I left early so that I wouldn't be late. |
Он не хочет, чтобы она оставалась дома.He doesn't want her to stay home. |
Я убираю своей комнате, чтобы успокоил Маму.I'm cleaning my room in order to appease Mom. |